Site Introduction

The  site  that  I  chose  to work on for the entirety of this project was Armenian Park in Penang, Malaysia. The park is located in what  is  known  as  a  heritage  enclave  in  George Town  that was once home to some of the earliest Malay settlements in the country.  The  area  was  also  home  to  a  small  community  of  Armenian  entrepreneurs, of which the street and park name is derived from. Before the construction  of  the  park,  the open space that preceded it was used inefficiently and even housed an informal market, locally known as a 'Thieves' Market' due to the abundance of "second-hand" goods sold there. 
Project Overview
1. Observed the site and its immediate surroundings at different times of the day.
2. Interviewed visitors of the park and explored the neighborhood to obtain feedback about the park's condition.
3. Created a visual map to record observations and analysis of the site.
Draft of Observations and Mapping
In carrying out my observations, I visited the site at different times of the day, spoke to visitors, and visited the shops around the site. This helped me gain a better understanding of what the park looks like on  a  day-to-day  basis.  It  also  helped  me  view  the  site from various perspectives, which made me realize how differently people can view the same space. 
Final Map
In developing my final map and observations of the site, I made sure to be as comprehensive as possible to ensure that I had a good list of things that could be improved on. 
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